Friday, November 7, 2014

Skull Art 3

Another drawing I did for my friend's pool league.

Santa getting busy

It's almost that time of year, so here is a piece I did a few years ago.  It started as a joke but once I started adding details it took a life of it's own...I'll post some more humorous Santa images as the date gets closer.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Deejay from Street Fighter

I love Street Fighter.  Back in college I drew all of the characters - most of the art was garbage but I kept the best ones.  This is DeeJay from Super Street Fighter 2, done with pencil ink, and colored pencils.  I was really happy with how it came out.

Skull Art 2

Another T-shirt image I did for my buddy's pool player's league.  I was trying to go for the whole surreal MC Escher thing. 

Friday, October 10, 2014

Skull Art 1

Back in the nineties, a good friend of mine was part of a pool player's league and had me design a series of images for their league T shirts.  This was the first one.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Aliens Characters

Aliens was my favorite movie for a long time.  It is still one of the greatest action films ever made and stands the test of time.  The franchise inspired a million comic books, but no one ever did one of this movie.  They had one from Newt's perspective, but it missed the mark.  I was going to do one for my own entertainment, but only got as far as character thumbnails.  You know how life is.